About the Journal

PHILM. Journal of Philosophy and Cinema was created to investigate the problematic knots of contemporaneity, crossing the expressive forms of cinema, video art and the audiovisual dimension in general. This investigation starts from the conviction that inspired the first issue of the journal, dedicated to the constructions of the real: today it is more necessary than ever to question the shifting boundary between imaginary and reality, between iconic dimension and real world, between screens and practices, between visual and gestural, insofar as they concur to draw together the cultural landscape of the present and the future. 

The research that PHILM wants to conduct in the plurality of voices that participate and will take part in it therefore concerns not only cinema in the classical sense, but more broadly the ways in which the use of new devices transforms perception and thus generates specific processes of subjectification. At the center of interest is not only the effect of reality that images produce. New devices change our spatio-temporal coordinates, redefining the very meaning of the concept of experience and thus that of subjectivity. In this sense, it becomes crucial to interrogate the relationship between the visual dimension and the figures of contemporary language as a place of intersection where the imaginary takes shape. 

The journal aims to be a research path open to transdisciplinary perspectives. Its philosophical vocation is nurtured in the involvement of film historians and theorists, aestheticians, anthropologists and artists who reflect on the relationship between cinema and thought. Here the tools of philosophy and film practices meet to investigate the themes that will constitute the monographic path of each issue.

At the center of interest is not only the effect of reality that images produce. New devices modify our spatio-temporal coordinates, redefining the very meaning of the concept of experience and thus that of subjectivity. In this sense, it becomes crucial to interrogate the relationship between the visual dimension and the figures of contemporary language as a place of intersection where the imaginary takes shape. 

The journal aims to be a research path open to transdisciplinary perspectives. Its philosophical vocation is nurtured in the involvement of film historians and theorists, aestheticians, anthropologists and artists who reflect on the relationship between cinema and thought. Here the tools of philosophy and film practices meet to investigate the themes that will constitute the monographic path of each issue. 

PHILM is the result of a collaboration between philosophers from the Vita-Salute S. Raffaele University of Milan and the University of Verona, with the support of colleagues from Italian and foreign universities. The journal comes out once a year in electronic format, accessible and downloadable for free to ensure unrestricted usability.