Lo sguardo fra reale e virtuale

Teoria del cinema e costruzione del visibile


  • Barbara Grespi Università degli Studi di Milano Statale Autore



Parole chiave:

gaze, subjective, Jean Mitry, mental image, virtual


Starting from reflections by Mitry, notably influenced by Husserlian phenomenology, the essay presents an analysis of the spectator’s gaze in cinema. The gaze is construed as an intricate interplay between mental and cinematic images, so as an interplay between the self-manifestation of thought and the dual dimension of the cinematic sign: linguistic and psychological. Wherein projection serves as a Husserlian instance of “presentification”, the contribution, through the investigations of Metz and Sobchack, invites reflection upon the cam- era’s gaze, embodied by the viewer through subjective and semisubjective perspectives and on cinema’s ability to make virtual spaces habitable.


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Come citare

Lo sguardo fra reale e virtuale: Teoria del cinema e costruzione del visibile . (2023). PHILM. Rivista Di Filosofia E Cinema, 2, 83-98. https://doi.org/10.13136/2974-6442/v02/2023/083